Let Us Worry About Your Heating Oil Supply - Enroll in Automatic Delivery

- 4:46 pm - August 24th, 2016

Fall is less than a month away and the start of the school year is right around the corner. While we still may have a few more weeks left of sweating out the summer, heating season is approaching – and fast. While you are getting the kids ready for school, taking them to soccer practice and attending school concerts, let us cross one thing off your to-do list! Sign up for automatic heating oil delivery this heating season and you’ll never have to worry about checking your supply again.

Our automatic delivery system ensures that you won’t have to check your oil tank level or call for delivery this heating season. F.C. Haab’s heating oil tracking systems predict your home’s heat usage based on your past history and the outdoor temperature, so that we know when your tank is running low and it’s time for a delivery. If your household underwent any major changes this year, like adding an extension or family members moving out, or if you plan on having guests for an extended period, let us know. This can impact your fuel usage and our delivery schedule.

Contact us to find out more about automatic heating delivery and to schedule a heating system tune-up before our schedule begins to fill up.