5 Signs it Might Time for a Heating Upgrade

- 10:17 am - September 16th, 2024

Have you been debating whether you think your heating system has enough left in the tank (not fuel oil) to make it through the next winter? Over time, everything needs to be replaced, including our heating equipment. F.C. Haab helps customers stay up to date with the latest state-of-the-art equipment by performing repairs and installations. Over our nearly 80 years in service, we’ve seen just about everything. Here are some telltale signs it’s time for an upgrade!


So, how do you know if it is time to upgrade? Here five things to look for:


  1. Did your system break down frequently last season? The older the equipment is, the more it will fail, leaving you in no-heat emergency situations.


  1. Is a pending repair going to cost almost as much as a new furnace or boiler? If so, it is time to consider reaching for the new unit.


  1. Is your system more than 10 years old? Technology has advanced so much in the last few years that even a 10-year-old boiler or furnace is outdated. The newer models include smart technology, system analytics, and advanced burner features, to provide higher levels of efficiency.


  1. Did you use more energy than usual last year, even if you tried to keep the thermostat low? Your heating system loses efficiency over time, even with regular maintenance.


  1. Have our service techs suggested that “it might be time?” Please trust them! They are in your home, probably more often than you would like, if it is time for an upgrade. They work hard to keep your heating equipment running smoothly, but can also see when the end is near!


NEIF Financing Available

F.C. Haab is proud to be an NEIF-approved contractor. The National Energy Improvement Fund helps homeowners make energy-efficient upgrades at home by financing 100% of energy improvements up to $25,000 with a true fixed monthly payment! There are additional tax incentives available through the Inflation Reduction Act for qualifying equipment!

If you answered yes to one or more of the above points, give us a call. We can review your options and help you find the ideal system to fit your home and budget. You’ll be glad you did when you enjoy the winter season and don’t have to wear a parka indoors!